Coffee Mugs

An Affordable Defense

Reasonable Fees You Can Afford.  Preserving your rights from an unfounded criminal charge shouldn’t cost you a fortune.   We are thus committed to providing you with a level of service that allows for a full and thorough defense at a fee that is fair, reasonable and based on the particular needs of your case.

Better Results for Less.  We are able to charge reasonable fees with uncompromised results  by assessing the particular issues and needs of each client before quoting a fee.  Criminal cases aren’t all the same and neither is our fee.   We think it better to base our fee on the actual amount of work involved and not some predetermined, fixed amount.   We also work hard to keep our overhead low through the efficient use of staff and technology.  We ultimately pass those savings on to you.

Flat Fees. Our criminal defense cases are handled on a flat fee basis and we always spell out the scope of our representation, the costs you may incur, and how the feel will be computed and billed in writing.

No Surprises. Flat fees have the benefit of certainty–you know what our services will cost from the outset.   We are also able to parse out the fee agreements into several stages.  This ensures that you only pay for the legal services you actually need.